
geodetic coordinates中文是什么意思

  • 大地测量坐标
  • 大地坐标系
  • 大地座标;测地座标



  • 例句与用法
  • Fast coordinating transformation between image of remote and geodetic coordinates
  • As a sub - problem involved in the new navigation algorithm , the transformation from earth - centered earth - fixed coordinates to geodetic coordinates is addressed
    4 .研究了新导航算法中所涉及的一个子问题? ?从地球坐标系到当地地理坐标系的坐标变换问题。
  • Gps receiver message of localization based on u . s . a . wgs84 coordinate system of the earth " s core , map of our country drawn and made according to 1954 - beijing geodetic coordinate system . in order to improve the precision , need to carry on coordinates transformation
  • Based on the current jiangmen independent coordinate system and the method of coordinate transformation , this paper analyzes and resolves the coordinate transformation between jiangmen independent coordinate system and beijing geodetic coordinate system 1954 using 10 - parameters orthomorphic map projection transformation formula , then validates the results of coordinate transformation and analyzes the precision
  • Article 8 the state shall establish a nationwide unified geodetic coordinate system , plane coordinate system , vertical system , geocentric coordinate system and gravimetric system , and define the classification of orders and classes and precision of the national geodetic survey , as well as the national basic scale map series and their basic precision
  • In hydrographic sweeping survey , considering that the surveyed route in design project description is a longer route which is composed of to geodetic coordinates , methods of mercator projection , utm ( universal transverse mercator ) projection and gauss - kruger projection were adopted to eliminate the direction deviation of sweeping survey , and conform to the conventional ay of sweeping survey as well
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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